Call Me Crazy…

Everything started when I met Cory, cheesy as that sounds. When we first started hanging out we got to talking about how he has traveled overseas to Thailand, Brazil, and Peru. I told him I was planning on doing a solo trip to Greece within the next year and SOMEHOW I ended up asking him if he wanted to tag along. He was either going to think, “This chick is crazy, hell no I’m not going to a different country with someone I just met” or “This chick is crazy, hell yeah lets fucking go travel abroad.” Either way, I bet crazy was the main word that crossed his mind that day, but he ended up going all in! It was either going to work out great and we’ll come back together OR we go separate ways (spoiler — it worked out! ^_^)

The supposed Greece Trip turned into a 40-day trip which consisted of 9 countries, 13 towns/cities, and over 613,027 steps (I didn’t plan on keeping track of our steps but it ended up being a fun thing to keep track of). A post about the 40-day Europe Adventure will be posted later on

Everyone always says as you get older time seems to go by faster. I believed in that too, but what actually seemed to happen for me is that time seems to slow down when you’re actually fully enjoying your time. A huge thank you to Cory for helping me realize this, even if he doesn’t know it. We had many days leading up to the Europe trip that were filled with lil’ adventures right here near home. We even ended up going to Costa Rica for the first time! And WOW that was the moment I realized I wanted to keep traveling. I realized there was a person I could actually travel with and continuously have a great time no matter what. I also realized how limited I felt from just staying in the United States. Now don’t get me wrong. There is SO much to do in the United States alone, but working around language barriers, meeting the locals from somewhere else, the history, and most importantly THE FOOD! I love food and man, International Food is the BEST food.

I’m going to try and work on the website more, along with FORA. Thank you everyone that has been a huge support so far in the beginning stages of my next journey I’m about to embark on! Stay Tuned!